168. T.P.S.
Sound no 168
Description of Sound
The T.P.S. sounds have been a long while in the writing, and have been something of a standing joke between Susan and I. The T.P.S. stands for Tall Poppy Syndrome, or Self Protection when in the Public arena.
Why you might ask, we have found that many people in the public eye have words, thoughts, comments and often downright nastiness thrown at them, as well as energetic assaults and thought forms
These a powerful form of protective sounds for people who are putting themselves in the public arena especially those spreading peace and light.
Sound Length 16 mins
How this sound came about
Susan and I had talked about this sound for some time before it was written, Australia is not the only country of course where people in the public eye are defamed, abused, and generally a target for un-required nastiness, Much of it comes from those we do not expect it from at all, and in many instances those closest to us.
A comment in the editorial of Living Now, a popular New Age and Spiritual magazine made the same comment this month June, that they are often subject to nasty communications from people.
Personally I have been described as a witch, spooky, weird and a number of other odd descriptions.
Many people find this negative attention uncomfortable and even debilitating.
Description of Sound
The T.P.S. sounds have been a long while in the writing, and have been something of a standing joke between Susan and I. The T.P.S. stands for Tall Poppy Syndrome, or Self Protection when in the Public arena.
Why you might ask, we have found that many people in the public eye have words, thoughts, comments and often downright nastiness thrown at them, as well as energetic assaults and thought forms
These a powerful form of protective sounds for people who are putting themselves in the public arena especially those spreading peace and light.
Sound Length 16 mins
How this sound came about
Susan and I had talked about this sound for some time before it was written, Australia is not the only country of course where people in the public eye are defamed, abused, and generally a target for un-required nastiness, Much of it comes from those we do not expect it from at all, and in many instances those closest to us.
A comment in the editorial of Living Now, a popular New Age and Spiritual magazine made the same comment this month June, that they are often subject to nasty communications from people.
Personally I have been described as a witch, spooky, weird and a number of other odd descriptions.
Many people find this negative attention uncomfortable and even debilitating.
Comment from Susan – I was very aware of the need for such sound as this. And I think that anyone in the public eye on whatever scale, teacher, receptionist or a famous person in the public eye would require this sound to shield them from the vagaries of public life. At least in an energetic sense.
I am sometimes appalled by comments that are often left on blogs and other ‘anonymous’ places on the web, although I suppose its easy to be outrageously horrible when one doesn’t have to take responsibility or be accountable for any comments one leaves (although this is not strictly true in an energetic sense however, as I am sure most of you reading this are aware).
It can however leave a negative signature for the person it is aimed at – and this is where is sound could be invaluable.
And for the record Sheila, I think you are wonderfully eccentric and talented – plus you make the best Vanilla slices.
Not For Sale. A very powerful set of sounds and recommended for practitioner use only. Available only from a SFS session by an endorsed practitioner or by doing a suitable SFS Course.
For a trained The Sounds from Source practitioner near you please refer to the Practitioner listing.
Combinations of use with other sounds
Causal Loops, Galactic Alignment, Galactic Cleansing, Physical and Conceptual Blueprint, HK Sounds, Awareness, Awareness 2.
I am sometimes appalled by comments that are often left on blogs and other ‘anonymous’ places on the web, although I suppose its easy to be outrageously horrible when one doesn’t have to take responsibility or be accountable for any comments one leaves (although this is not strictly true in an energetic sense however, as I am sure most of you reading this are aware).
It can however leave a negative signature for the person it is aimed at – and this is where is sound could be invaluable.
And for the record Sheila, I think you are wonderfully eccentric and talented – plus you make the best Vanilla slices.
Not For Sale. A very powerful set of sounds and recommended for practitioner use only. Available only from a SFS session by an endorsed practitioner or by doing a suitable SFS Course.
For a trained The Sounds from Source practitioner near you please refer to the Practitioner listing.
Combinations of use with other sounds
Causal Loops, Galactic Alignment, Galactic Cleansing, Physical and Conceptual Blueprint, HK Sounds, Awareness, Awareness 2.