141. Sabotage 3 – Business
Sound Number 141
Description of sounds
Sabotage 3 Business was the third of three distinctly different sounds which we have been given for removing the levels of sabotage which may be affecting a person or in this instance a person and the individual entity which is their business.
The first sabotage program was quite generalised, the second sound is specifically for the personal areas of sabotage which we may have in our lives and covers many levels of energetic fields and alignments including those of jealousy control disruption and treachery.
The third level of sabotage is based on the sabotages which may affect ourselves or our business / businesses. These include levels of subversive sabotage which may be in place from current or pervious partnerships, agreements, associates colleagues and competitors as well as the nderlyiong issues of those connected by emotional bonds to those who are a part of our business eg employee, sub contractor and so on
These powerful sounds also deal with the often unknown or unrecognised levels of sabotage and disruption.
We were presented with these sounds during the creation of the Business Program which operates in conjunction with the Sounds from Source Program and is co-ordinated by Susan.
Sound Length 18.37 mins
How this sound came about
The third sabotage sound or Sabotage 3 Business as we named it was given to us to deal with what are often subversive or underlying sabotages and programming’s which may affect business owners and the individual entity which is their business and of which in many instances we are not physically or mentally aware.
Susan has put an amazing amount of work into the creation of The Business Program, which will have its own individual web site soon.
These are a very powerful set of sounds and with many business uses, these are practitioner level sounds only, and restricted to those practitioners who have studies with Susan through the Sounds From Source Business program.
Description of sounds
Sabotage 3 Business was the third of three distinctly different sounds which we have been given for removing the levels of sabotage which may be affecting a person or in this instance a person and the individual entity which is their business.
The first sabotage program was quite generalised, the second sound is specifically for the personal areas of sabotage which we may have in our lives and covers many levels of energetic fields and alignments including those of jealousy control disruption and treachery.
The third level of sabotage is based on the sabotages which may affect ourselves or our business / businesses. These include levels of subversive sabotage which may be in place from current or pervious partnerships, agreements, associates colleagues and competitors as well as the nderlyiong issues of those connected by emotional bonds to those who are a part of our business eg employee, sub contractor and so on
These powerful sounds also deal with the often unknown or unrecognised levels of sabotage and disruption.
We were presented with these sounds during the creation of the Business Program which operates in conjunction with the Sounds from Source Program and is co-ordinated by Susan.
Sound Length 18.37 mins
How this sound came about
The third sabotage sound or Sabotage 3 Business as we named it was given to us to deal with what are often subversive or underlying sabotages and programming’s which may affect business owners and the individual entity which is their business and of which in many instances we are not physically or mentally aware.
Susan has put an amazing amount of work into the creation of The Business Program, which will have its own individual web site soon.
These are a very powerful set of sounds and with many business uses, these are practitioner level sounds only, and restricted to those practitioners who have studies with Susan through the Sounds From Source Business program.
Comment from Susan – Another very powerful sound which can be played to move tough conditions surrounding a business situation. Can also be played pre emptively – which is what I have been using it for recently – in order to smooth the path forward – so to speak.
Not For Sale. A very powerful set of sounds and recommended for practitioner use only. Available only from a SFS session by an endorsed practitioner or by doing a suitable SFS Course.
For a trained The Sounds from Source practitioner near you please refer to the Practitioner listing.
Combinations of use with other sounds
Anxiety, Freedom, Releasing Limitations, Releasing Blockages, Meridian Memory Blockages, Sabotage, Encoding Grids, Encoding Survival, Galactic Cleansing, Galactic Alignment, Physical and Conceptual Blueprint.
Not For Sale. A very powerful set of sounds and recommended for practitioner use only. Available only from a SFS session by an endorsed practitioner or by doing a suitable SFS Course.
For a trained The Sounds from Source practitioner near you please refer to the Practitioner listing.
Combinations of use with other sounds
Anxiety, Freedom, Releasing Limitations, Releasing Blockages, Meridian Memory Blockages, Sabotage, Encoding Grids, Encoding Survival, Galactic Cleansing, Galactic Alignment, Physical and Conceptual Blueprint.